p-ISSN 2956-2589, e-ISSN 2956-2570
Timothy Baycroft
List of articles
Histories of Nations and Borders: Critical Reflections Timothy Baycroft
25 May 2021
Timothy Baycroft
Examining the question of ‘which history’ of a nation emerges over time and why, this article interrogates the ways in which histories and borders come to acquire symbolic significance and become ‘national histories’ and ‘national borders’. It begins with a thorough analysis of the elements that contribute to and the forces which have an impact upon the development of national identity, national symbolism, and national memory. Then, drawing from a range of examples, it provides serious critical reflection on the work of historians and the nature of the questions that need to be asked in order truly to understand the processes of nation building and identity formation. Keywords: Borders, nationalism, memory, national history, identity, conflict
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